Sunday, April 7, 2013

I Was Going to Blog Tonight...

I realize it has been a MONTH since I have blogged. I am so very sorry about that. The past 3 weekends have been consumed with traveling (which means I have a lot to blog about!), and the past three weeks have been consumed with school (weird, I know). This weekend has been the first in a month that we haven't had a trip planned, so it has been spent doing next to nothing, save the two papers I had to write. Sometimes you just need to do nothing, you know?

So I did have every good intention of blogging tonight to start to get caught up. I finally was able to Skype one of my roommates, and I even told her of my plans. Unfortunately there was one small thing standing in my way that has now turned into a huge thing... I am in process of auditioning for UCO (University Choir and Orchestra) at APU right now, which is turning into a longer process than I expected. Today I borrowed Phillip's camera to record a vocal audition (since his camera has a fun video mode and mine does not) and that was easy enough. I tried to email the video to Dr. Sutton a couple of hours ago, and even the compressed file was way too big. I tried to compress it more with an online program, but that didn't work either because our internet here at the Pension is quite bad. At one point it was telling me that it would take 835 hours to finish, and I decided I had had enough of that. I finally decided to try iMovie again, and it appears that I may yet get that to work. Fingers crossed!

This week I have a reduced class schedule because one of our professors is on spring break with his daughter. Hopefully that will give me more time to get caught up.

Until then, I have posted more photos on Facebook, so you can have the links to those albums (if you don't have access to them)

Photos from our trip to Eisenach and Leipzig:

Photos from our trip to France with our World Civilizations professor:

Photos from our extended trip to Salzburg and Vienna:

Grace and Peace,

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