Thursday, July 25, 2013

Grilled Pizza

Wow, two posts in one night!

I know, I just couldn't help myself :)

Today I was at Wal-Mart with my mom, and we ran across Naan bread for sale. Now, at first, I thought it was pizza dough. It sorta looked like it. Either way, it looked delicious, and it made me think, "Hey, we should do grilled pizza again soon." We had it about a month ago, and it is by far my favorite way to have pizza. I was first introduced to it by friends last summer.

Anyways, it was an idea for later this summer, what little there is left, until about an hour later when my mom asked what we should do for dinner tonight. I suggested grilled pizza, and met no opposition from her or my dad. It became a plan!

I decided to actually document it this time, since I got a new camera to replace my malfunctioning D60 :) Grilled pizza is made by first grilling individual size pizza dough for a couple of minutes, then topping it to your heart's content and cooking it on a hot pizza stone until the cheese is melted and cooked to your own desiring.

So, get your homemade pizza dough and divide it into small enough bits for individual pizzas...

Roll it out... (or take an artsy photo before you do so)

Grill it. I used my handy-dandy grill pan.

Dad used some cherry tomatoes we have, although they are more orange than red.

grilled pizza dough

Then cook them on a hot pizza stone to your own liking! Quite delicious, I must recommend it!

Finished pizza: Yum!

Happy weekend everyone!

Grace and Peace,
Suz :)

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