Friday, September 20, 2013

Getting Into a Rhythm

Today is the end of our second full week of classes, and I think I am finally finding a rhythm for the semester. My petition to add a 19th unit was approved, and I got the class approved and added the day before the add/drop date. Talk about getting down to the wire. I know there are other people who were trying to add classes up to that last day, so I appreciate that I at least got it done that Thursday. It never ceases to amaze me how helpful people are. Even when they do the same thing all day over and over, and the process becomes obvious to them, and they sometimes deal with people who are rude and ungrateful... They are still patient and gracious! It's such a blessing.

This week has been pretty nonstop. Well, the beginning was. I may have found a rhythm, but it's a bit choppy still, and often it depends upon variables I can't always control, like a productive weekend or less reading than I had anticipated. I have a rhythm, but I still don't quite have everything well balanced. I have a couple of classes that are only once a week, so I have to remember to balance those in with classes I have two or three times a week. I'm getting there, but I'm not on top of it quite yet. Actually, I got behind the first weekend of classes, and then last weekend I was still trying to catch up. I didn't get as caught up as I needed to, causing a bit of a scramble at the beginning of the week. I should have more time this weekend, and I think I have a bit less to do.

This morning was beautiful. It was cool, about 66ยบ, and overcast. Actually, I guess it was closer to foggy than overcast. It was a perfect tea day. In fact, I got out of class a bit early and didn't have to go to chapel, so I walked home and had a nice brew. Even though I got my first Organic Chemistry test back and did much worse than I should have, I've still had quite a lovely day. Tea does that. And a good attitude, even though my test grade could have ruined my day and weekend. Instead, I'm looking forward to a nice evening and productive, enjoyable evening. :)

Grace and Peace!
Suz :)

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