Saturday, September 28, 2013

Be Present

Be present where you are. Don't be constantly looking forward or backward with longing, but rather live life right now, today, with the people that are with you now.

This is a huge theme in my life right now. Huge. It seems like everywhere I go, being present is the topic. Chapel: Live your life where God has placed you now, instead of constantly waiting for some thing to happen that makes your life significant. Senior chapel: enjoy senior year and the time you have left at APU! A random song in a friend's car: Sieze the day! UCO: Make an effort to get to know the people you are in this group with! Be intentional! A conference I went to: Invest in the relationships around you, in Jesus' name!

Ok, ok, I get it. Now what does it look like? God has been drilling this into my head ever-so-gently since I have been back at school, and I think I understand why. I am CONSTANTLY looking back at some time that was great and comparing right now with back then. The most obvious thing in my life I could do this with right now is Heidelberg. I could just live my life this year dreaming about my time there and thinking about what I can do to get back, instead of leaving dream-world and forming relationships with the people next to me and enjoying the things in my life right now. I am also CONSTANTLY looking forward to some other time... When I'm older I'll be/things will be this way or that way. I'll take action when things get to be that way. No. That's a terrible way to live, because life passes by faster that way, and then things never get to be "that way." Anticipation isn't all bad, but if it is distracting you from life at hand, it can be dangerous.

So that's where I am. Taking on this task that God has apparently appointed me: to BE PRESENT.

Grace and Peace!

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