Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The World Spins On

The past 5 days or so have been cram-packed with studying and desperately trying to keep up with homework assignments. I finally had a break today, since the test I was studying for was this morning and I decided to step away from homework for a moment. Also, I was hungry and it was dinner-time.

I got food on campus tonight because, since I have been so busy with studying and homework, I haven't had time to go to the store. Literally no time. I feel like I have been planning my days to the minute since Friday. Or maybe Thursday. Anyways, time for grocery shopping didn't make the cut, so now I have random things that don't really go together. For example, Monday night I went to make dinner (since I didn't have time to go on campus and get some), and I decided to cook some quinoa and then put Swiss cheese and deli meat in it. Because I don't have bread. In case you are wondering, quinoa, Swiss cheese, and deli meat don't go together. Just take my word for it.

So anyways, I went on campus tonight for dinner. Well, I went and got dinner and then went back to my apartment to eat, but I did leave my apartment, and that's the important part. It was kind of early for dinner, so there weren't yet crowds of people getting dinner, and I think it must have been during a class time, because there were very few people out on the main part of campus.

When I was walking back, the sun was at the point in the sky where it is still light out, but it was starting to go behind the trees, so one could see fine without sunglasses and the glare that early evening sunlight can cause. As I was walking down a footpath to get to the sidewalk, I was for some reason taken back to Hauptstraße in Heidelberg, and it hit me all over again: I miss Germany. Not like, "Oh, that was a nice time, I wish I could be back there." More like a longing to be back in Heidelberg and living once more in Europe. 

I must admit, this does partly stem from the fact that just before I went to get dinner, I was roaming around the internet and found the blog of someone who is currently living in France for a year. So that easily got the ball rolling for me to miss Germany. But the conditions were just right when I was walking back with my dinner to strike longing in my heart.

I suppose part of the reason could be coming from the fact that I am so overwhelmed this semester. 19 units is too much for me. Honestly. I don't know how well I will be able to finish the semester, because it seems that every week is a struggle to get things done enough that I can manage to get through a lecture or an assignment. I can't get ahead because I can't keep up. That's frustrating for me, because I'm the type of person that likes to get ahead on assignments so that I can have time to relax and not worry about classes. I long for a week of no classes and no homework so that I can just rest.

That's my life these days. I'm making the best I can, but it is pretty hard sometimes.

Grace and Peace,

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