Thursday, December 12, 2013

Finally A Light

I haven't blogged since October. Wow. A lot has happened since then. A lot of life. Good things, wonderful things, and not-so-fun things.

Remember back in September when I said I thought I was getting into a rhythm for school? Yeah, that was a lie. As I mentioned in October, 19 units is WAY too much for me. I feel like I have been played catch-up since October. And the past four weeks have been nearly hell. Nonstop. Assignments, reading, papers, projects, tests, performances. Yuck. So much. I went home for Thanksgiving this year for the first time in several years, because I knew starting the year that there would be no way I would be able to go to Mexico. I was so right. Wednesday night before Thanksgiving I was lying in bed, honestly thankful that I was lying my bed and not in a van driving to Mexico. I had so much to do just over that break (most of which didn't get done), because the week after Thanksgiving (last week) was Dead Week. 

Dead Week is the week before finals. It's called that because students are nearly dead by the end of the week trying to get new material and assignments taken care of for classes. And then we are plunged into finals, ready or not. But wait! THERE'S MORE! Not only did we have Dead Week the week after Thanksgiving break, but Celebrate Christmas was on the weekend following Dead Week! (In between Dead Week and finals).That means two rehearsals during the week where the concerts are held, and then a performance on Friday evening and two performances on Sunday. Which means Sunday was basically my only day to study for finals. Not TOO bad, right? Wrong! I took 7 final exams this semester, and had one project. One final (my O-Chem lab practical) was on the second day of Celebrate Christmas, so I was a bit late getting to Pasadena for that). The other SIX were on Monday and Tuesday. YAY. Ok, so six finals, two days, and then a project, and THEN you're done, right!? Nope, wrong again! UCO has three performances this week! Last night, we performed at the University Club in Pasadena, today we performed twelve flash mobs at LAX (which was SO much fun! I can't wait until next year!), and tomorrow we have a concert in Torrance. 

That's a lot. This has definitely been my hardest semester, and my hardest finals week. In the past I have had ten or eleven finals, but this semester's end has been so much harder than those semesters. But tonight, I finished and turned in my last project, so I have finally reached the light. I can go to tomorrow's concert without having to worry or think about anything that needs finishing. And Saturday I am going to Kristen's (my Heidelberg roommate) graduation party, and reconnecting with a friend I haven't seen in probably a year. (And going ice-skating for the first time in my life!). Saturday will be good. And then I will go home on Sunday. Hallelujah. I have a MONTH for Christmas break this year, and I'm going to enjoy every minute that I don't have an assignment or a test to prepare for.

Grace and Peace,

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