Monday, January 14, 2013

Minor Accomplishments

Life is still pretty normal. Yesterday Dad and I drove to LAX to drop of Kevin and his friend Aaron for their flight back to Denver. They were here about 10 days for the funeral of Mychael, Aaron's brother who died in a tragic car accident at the end of December. It was very hard for Kevin and Aaron, obviously, but I'm glad they were here among people who could support them through this.

I have TWO minor accomplishments today that I am quite proud of! The first, I finally have luggage for my trip, a suitcase AND a carry-on! I'm so relieved. So even though I still have 10+ days until I leave, I will probably start packing things I don't need between now and then, and I hope to pack everything up, perhaps this weekend, so I can get an idea of how much stuff I think I'm taking, and how it is all going to fit. My carry-on is a backpacking backpack, which will come quite handy for the various trips that we are going to be taking (academic, I'm sure). The trips will help me figure out how to pack ten days of clothes and supplies in the backpack too, because that is how I will be using it after the end of the semester, as I journey through Europe and see as much as possible in ten days. Needless to say, I am definitely breathing easier now that I have luggage figured out.

Accomplishment number two: I FINALLY finished the baby blanket I have been working on since August. I cannot believe it has taken me so long to finish, but I am so HAPPY to finally have it finished. The baby was born on Thanksgiving, so she is now two months old, but I suppose she won't really know the difference. This a huge project that I was starting to feel a bit anxious about finishing before next weekend, so it is a huge relief to have it finished, and I will feel even better after I get it shipped tomorrow.

Grace and Peace!


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