Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Last Few Days

I meant to blog last night, but I never got to it. So here now is a recap of my last weekend in California.

My weekend was actually rather successful. The trend for break has been sleeping in super late each morning and getting almost nothing done. This past weekend, the one weekend when I actually needed to get things done, I did get things done! I got some final things from the store that I will be needing, like airplane food (a must!), and few other small things that add up. Sunday I played on the worship team at church. I wish I could have played more frequently during my time home, but it just didn't happen. I'm glad I finally got a chance on my final Sunday. Worship was amazing, the best I have experienced in the past six weeks, because the worship flowed well and the congregation engaged. The past few weeks it has been a struggle to get the congregation engaged in worship, but this week there was joy in the house that bubbled up and over. I was so grateful to be a part of it. Monday my wonderful friend Krystal threw me a farewell party at her house, and she, Zach and I spent the afternoon cooking food in preparation for it. I can't speak for them, but I had a blast. Krystal told me that she looked up a bunch of German recipes in hopes of fixing German food for the party, but she said they were confusing, and she figured I would be eating enough German food in the next few months, so I got a German-chocolate cake instead. It was a kinda complicated recipe, but between the three of us it didn't stand a chance. Zach read the recipe and directions off of the computer and Krystal and I mixed it up. It was delicious. And fun to make. About 15 people showed up that night, and we ate, laughed, and played Crazy Uno (if you have never played Crazy Uno, you should learn. It's so much fun). I had a wonderful time, thanks to Krystal. She had asked me last week if I was having a going away party, and when I told her I wasn't she said, "Lame. I'm throwing you one." I'm glad she did :)

Tomorrow is my last day of work, and then tomorrow evening Dad is driving me to Victorville, where my roommate Malia will pick me up and take me to APU so I can say some final goodbyes to friends. Today my coworkers took me to lunch (Chinese food - my choice) as a final farewell. My coworker Linda gave me a scarf, and Mary gave me handwarmers. In the card that was signed by the whole library, the common theme was "stay warm," and Linda and Mary's gifts kept right along with that theme. I'm super excited to use the hand warmers. I'll save those for really cold days.

So this is it. Soon will be my final farewell and then I will be winging my way to Deutschland. My bags are nearly packed, and I'm almost ready!

Grace and Peace,

Suz :)

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