Saturday, January 26, 2013

Up, Up, and Away

This is it. I cannot believe it. I'm sitting in the airport, my bag has been checked, I have my boarding pass, and now I just have to wait. My plane boards at 2:15, about 2 hours from now. When we pulled into the airport, there was a New Zealand Air plane sitting by the road at a terminal, and it had a sign for The Hobbit on it! It made me happy. When I was checking in, the attendant offered to check my second bag for free. I was happily surprised. Unfortunately, I have enough things in my second backpack that I need or don't was to risk disappearing that I had to turn her down. It certainly would be easier to check that backpack. It's a bit of a nuisance to have two backpacks to carry around.

So many months of preparation come to this. In the car on the way here I was in disbelief of myself that I'm actually doing this. It's not like it's a spontaneous decision; I have been planning and preparing for a long time. But I'm about to get on a plane and fly for 11 hours by myself to a country I have never been to. I guess I am becoming more independent than I had realized, which is kind of a scary thought. It's normal, obviously, but it's a bit unnerving.

Here I go, on the adventure of a lifetime. I can't wait to eat breakfast. I'm soooo hungry right now. Auf wiedersehen! My next post will be from Germany!

Grace and Peace,

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